Festival of Young Women Preachers
April 7, 2016 | Eden Seminary | St. Louis, MissouriΒ
Bless these hands as they handle sacred Scripture, and sacred stories, and sacred moments of the preaching and pastoral life.
Bless these ears as they strain to hear a living, breathing word, as they listen carefully, tentatively and generously.
Bless these eyes as they behold a world beloved by you, O God. Bless these eyes as they see both its beauty and its brokenness. Bless these eyes to see your new creation.
Bless these lips as they speak what they have seen and heard and learned. Bless these lips as they speak from the mind and from the heart words of truth and compassion for your people.
Bless these preacher-pastors as they embody your sacred presence and invite others into that presence. Bless these pastor-preachers as they bear witness to life in all its fullness. Give them courage and hope for their calling. Amyn.
This blessing was written for the new preachers who took part in a preaching festival sponsored by the Alliance of Baptists prior to the annual gathering.