Pandemic. Protest. Parenting. Pedagogy. Pastoring.
Whew! This is probably the strangest and most demanding summer in living memory for most of us! We are challenged in new ways. We are facing demands at every turn. And we are trying to stay present, support our families and churches, become anti-racist (for some this is new!), and shift the ways we do almost everything. Rarely does anything go as planned, and that means we need more flexibility. Not to mention the grief is piling up.
How are you coping?
We hope your plans for coping include some rest, restoring your body and mind, rejuvenating your heart and soul. To put it simply, we hope you are making time and space for some intentional self-care.
We cannot keep going without self-care.
To support you in this self-love and self-care work, we have put together a summer self-care collection! And we are giving it away. Three times!
Do you already have 3MMM coming to your inbox? You are signed up and in the drawing! Share the good news with a friend.
No, you say? Well, it’s an easy fix. Fill in the form below to put your name in for the goodness we are planning for you!
Want an extra chance to win?
Share a social media post about YOUR summer self-care plans and tag #3MMM. Find Three Minute Ministry Mentor on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. If you tag us, we’ll put your name in twice!

We will draw names three times before summer’s end. Each winner gets the full collection of self-care items. You have a chance to win each time!
Each summer self-care collection includes: a gift card for your favorite music or books, a blank journal, book marks, a free online yoga class, and original artwork from Amber Simpson Art, plus other goodies that are still coming together. How can you not want in on all of that? And everyone who enters gets a free download of self-care ideas and resources including recommendations from Dr. Stephanie Crumpton, our most recent 3MMM guest!
Sign up for 3MMM today! And then tell us how you are planning your self-care for this summer!