Pastoral imagination. A capacity to see into a situation in all of its embodied, relational, and holy depths, and then knowing how to respond in a fitting way. That kind of knowing is the underlying theme of this week’s interview with Dr. Eric Barreto, professor at Princeton Seminary.
I ask several questions to get the conversation going this week. Each question is one that I hope you will ask in your own ministry — as a pastor, youth minister, chaplain, or activist — this week and most every week! See where Eric takes us in the conversation!
How does the biblical text help us lead in the practice of ministry?
Two hints. It’s not a simple rule book. And it’s not a Magic Eight Ball.
How does the biblical text help us with our pastoral imagination as ministry leaders?
Hint: we know what death and loss look like. But do we know what resurrection looks like?
How do we participate in God’s reign?
Hint: We are creatures made and loved by God.
What story can you tell about a time when you saw how speaking the truth moved community toward life and justice?
If you want to know the responses to these questions and more, check out this weeks episode of three minute ministry mentor in my third installment of my interview with Dr. Eric Barreto.
How did you use biblical or theological imagination in your ministry this week?
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