Rev. Eileen Campbell-Reed, Ph.D.
Learn more about Eileen Campbell-Reed
- Visiting Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care at Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York
- Founder and host of Three Minute Ministry Mentor, a weekly video, blog and podcast providing resources that inform and inspire the practice of ministry and nurture pastoral imagination
- Founder and host of The Writing Table, a live, virtual, daily writing group for pastors, professors, and authors.
- Co-director of the Learning Pastoral Imagination Project, a national, ecumenical, and longitudinal study of ministry following 50 pastors and ministers since 2009
- Doctor of Philosophy in Religion, Psychology and Culture, Vanderbilt University.
- Author of these books and reports:
- “The Learning Pastoral Imagination Project: A 10-Year Overview” (Reflective Practice, 2023)
- The #Pandemic Pastoring Report (2022) details how ministers and congregations are living in a new era of ministry (Pre-order the Study Guide for talking through these changes)
- Pastoral Imagination: Bringing the Practice of Ministry to Life (Fortress, 2021)
- State of Clergywomen in the U.S. (2018)
- Anatomy of a Schism: How Clergywomen’s Narratives Reinterpret the Fracturing of the SBC (UT Press, 2016)
- LPI Five Year Report (2016)
Eileen Campbell-Reed | Brief CV 03-07-2023 ⤓
Eileen Campbell-Reed | Downloadable Headshot JPG ⤓
Connect with Eileen Campbell-Reed on Social Media
Eileen took many of the photographs on the 700+ posts of her blog. If you want to use a photo, please write for permission (hello AT eileencampbellreed DOT org). Thanks!
New Resource!
The #PandemicPastoring Study Guide is available for pre-order. We are living in a new era of ministry. Download the #PandemicPastoring Report (free) for the research and analysis. We need to talk about it and explore how to live into the new season with creativity, grace, and pastoral imagination. This three-session guide will help you lead these conversations with your Sunday School class, weekly prayer or study group, or leadership retreat. Learn more and pre-order today in our shop.
Having read your “State of Women in Baptist Life” reports before, I was delighted to hear your voice on the conference call with BWIM this morning. A quick search led me to your blog, which I enjoyed perusing. I am especially interested in your forthcoming book. Any chance you’ll be at the CBF in June (or anywhere soon) sharing about this endeavor? Thanks!
My husband and I were greatly influenced by Nell Magee during our college and early ministry years. We were trying to see if there were any chance she was still living, but I think not. Your description of her is what we remember.