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Lent IV – March Forth 1965-2015



Today’s date inspired a nested poem this morning.* As the Department of Justice Report on the Ferguson police department comes out this week, two executions are postponed in Georgia for Kelly Gissendaner and Brian Terrell, and the fiftieth anniversary of the marches in Selma approach, the need to protest non-violently is stronger than ever. To work for humane changes in society, government, eduction, and religion remains our greatest moral task.

This form of poetry/prayer is called a โ€œnested meditation.โ€ Each line stands on its own for reflection. At the same time, each line adds words to the previous line.ย See Kevin Anderson,ย Divinity in Disguise: Nested Meditations to Delight the Mind and Awaken the Soulย (Center for Life Balance, 2003).