Praying for Kelly Gissendaner
… and putting the prayers into action

The following six messages can be tweeted out in succession – each already has links and hashtags to advocate for Kelly’s life.
How can you help commute the death sentence of #KellyGissendaner? Put your prayers into action.
Here’s how in 5 tweets #kellyonmymind
#1 sign the petition
to ask @GovernorDeal to commute #KellyGissendaner’s sentence to life #KellyOnMyMind
#2 Watch video
of Kelly’s children: Forgiving our mother was the best way to honor my father’s memory #KellyOnMyMind
#3 Pray for #KellyGissendaner and @GovernorDeal and @GA_ParoleBoard & share your prayers w/your friends and followers #KellyOnMyMind
#4 Watch & share
the video about 200+ women whose lives were changed by Kelly. #StruggleSisters #KellyOnMyMind
#5 write
a kind & respectful tweet, email or letter: @GA_ParoleBoard & @GovernorDeal Ask them to commute Kelly’s sentence #KellyOnMyMind