The world is on fire. How are we going to respond? In the past week, my attention and all my news and social feeds were riveted to the protests in more than 140 cities in the US and globally, over…
Read MorePandemic Pastoring | Guest Sermon by Lauren Plummer
This Friday we welcome guest blogger Lauren Plummer who offers a encouraging word for #pandemicpastoring. Lauren is a pastoral intern at Glendale Baptist Church in Nashville, TN, where she recently preached this sermon in a zoom worship service. We welcome Lauren’s…
Read MoreHow to Survive Youth Ministry in a Pandemic – by Laura Edgar
This week we want to share a guest blog by my friend, Laura Edgar. She is the Associate Pastor at First Baptist Auburn, Alabama and a graduate of Baptist Seminary of Kentucky. She ministers with students from middle school through…
Read MorePandemic Pedagogy
Teaching and learning are essential aspects of human development. From parenting to governing, from sports team to PTA, and from ministry to industry, human beings are creatures who can learn and grow from first cry to final breath. How we…
Read MoreNew Rituals for Pandemic Grief
We need new rituals for #PandemicGrief. This is our space to gather and collect our best practices for grieving in this season of isolation. Part of the struggle of leaning into joy or beauty — which are desperately needed for…
Read More3MMM | Mini-Ethnography Resource
Paying attention fully to a ministry setting, requires some practice and skill. Pastoral attention can be learned and cultivated over time. One way to grow in those skills is through the work pastoral ethnography. Professional ethnographers spend many years of…
Read MoreResources for Pandemic Pastoring
Are you a minister or chaplain, an activist or congregational pastor? Whatever your role in ministry, you are now living and working in an unprecedented worldwide season of the coronavirus pandemic. And we want to support you as you bring…
Read MoreHow to Survive Your First Year of Ministry – by Anita Peebles
This week we want to share a wonderful guest blog by my friend, recent graduate of Vanderbilt Divinity School, and new minister, Anita Peebles. When I asked, Does it feel better to be in the second year of ministry? She…
Read More“Ministry as Spiritual Practice”
“Ministry as Spiritual Practice: How Pastors Learn to See and Respond to the ‘More’ of A Situation” by Eileen R. Campbell-Reed and Christian Scharen Abstract Christian ministry in a changing and challenging context requires “pastoral imagination,” a capacity to perceive…
Read MoreEpic Journey: Writing for My Life
The bells chime for worship. I am walking away from them. My path leads me deeper into the woods, through a cathedral of trees. A lush carpet of green stretches away to my left. Low hanging clouds reflect on the…
Read MoreMele Kalikimaka & Hau’oli Makahiki Hou
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Hawai’i! This is the most unique Christmas holiday I have ever had in my life. My family and I traveled to Hawai’i where new adventures and new discoveries filled up each day of…
Read MoreState of Clergywomen Report – endorsed by Jann Aldredge-Clanton
One of the earliest names I ever heard as associated with supporting women’s ordination and call to ministry was Rev. Dr. Jann Aldredge-Clanton. I was just in college then when I heard that she articulately defended women’s place in ministry.…
Read MoreAdventures in Cooking: Thanksgiving Edition
Every year for the last 18 with a few exceptions (in the early years of graduate school and then motherhood) the weekend before Thanksgiving involves my attending the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion, and in most of…
Read MoreAnatomy of a Schism: Reviews
What have scholars and reviewers been saying about Anatomy of a Schism? Here are a few excerpts. Review and Expositor This is not your father’s interpretation of the twentieth-century Southern Baptist schism. Eileen R. Campbell-Reed has produced an original perspective on…
Read MoreImmigration Sermon 6-23-2018
The following homily was offered on June 23 as part of an action to “Stop Jailing Families” which called on Nashville Mayor Briley and Sheriff Hall to untangle their relationship with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and stop detaining immigrants,…
Read MoreWednesday Words for Writers ~ F
Feedback This month I’ve been taking a class in creative non-fiction over at The Porch. A dozen or so women sit around a big plank table each week, and we talk about delicious classics like “You Blow My Mind! Hey,…
Read MoreFlourishing in a Culture of Disbelief
Three Keys for Women Leading Churches Women starting out in ministry need space to learn. So do men. All people with a pastoral calling need room to grow into the practice of ministry. Too often, however, a culture of disbelief…
Read MoreTennessee Baptists: Why Should We?
Why should we deny the gospel? Why should we sin against God’s call? Why should we reject the gifts of the Spirit? Right now sitting in your seats, imagine the most important woman in your life. Who are the most important…
Read MoreReformation and the Economy of Salvation
“Here I stand. I can do no other.” So said Martin Luther. At the time he was on trial by the Holy Roman Church for writing heresy. It was 1521. On that day he refused to deny his arguments against…
Read MoreAnatomy of a Schism on ClearStory Podcast
The 29th Annual Southern Festival of Books charmed me in ways I did not expect. I met amazing people and had some great conversations. Before I got away, River Jordan interviewed me about Anatomy of a Schism for ClearStory Radio.…
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