If I asked you today, what would you tell me about your need for silence? In this week’s episode, I ask Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow about the thread of silence that runs through his “faith montage.” Bruce’s new book Everything Good…
Read More3MMM | Episode 224: Advent Four ~ Healing Light
~ Advent Four ~ moon and stars pour their healing light on you “Moon and stars pour their healing light on you ” is our prayer for the fourth week of Advent 2023. If the world ever needed healing, it…
Read More3MMM | Episode 176: The Longest Night | 12.21.2022
How is it with your soul today? The last 33 months have been so much. They have taken quite a toll… on life, on church, on everyone who is called to ministry, on our relationships, and our embodied ways of…
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