~ Christmas ~ Deep peace of Christ the light of the world to you “I will hold the Christ Light for you in the nighttime of your fear. I will hold my hand out to you, speak the peace you…
~ Advent Four ~ moon and stars pour their healing light on you “Moon and stars pour their healing light on you ” is our prayer for the fourth week of Advent 2023. If the world ever needed healing, it…
~ Advent Three ~ deep peace of the quiet earth to you “Deep peace of the quiet earth to you” is our prayer for the third week of Advent 2023. Here in Nashville and Middle Tennessee, we felt a stark…
~ Advent Two ~ deep peace of the flowing air to you Welcome to the second week of Advent 2023. We are continuing to bring to you a new prayer practice, rooted in ancient ways. Music and art come together…
~ Advent One ~ deep peace of the running wave to you Welcome to Advent 2023. This year we are bringing you a new prayer practice, rooted in ancient ways. Music and art for your reflection and nourishment. Praying with our…
Visio Divina: Psalm 139 There are so many amazing and multi-layered images in Psalm 139. It has been a good companion through the season of Lent. (You can read more in previous posts: Lent I, Lent III and Lent VI.) The psalm…
Show and Tell For the last six weeks, since Ash Wednesday, I’ve been slowly working out at the far reaches of my own competence, for the sake of learning something new. For the sake of trying a new practice and…