A great deal of my work requires writing, and I like inspiring writing quotes. I’ve gathered a few writing notes and quotes that I love here. Some are my quotes and some belong to others. May they inspire as you write. Create. Live. Please share, pin, and post!
Writing is Big Work
Sometimes we get off track and need a re-set for our writing. Here are a few tips. ![]()
Rules for Writing
Psychologist, professor and researcher, Robert Boice studied over 1000 academic writers and he recommends 10 rules for writing. Which one do you need today?
Robert Boice’s 10 Rules for Writing – Learn them by joining the Writing Table from Eileen Campbell-Reed on Vimeo.
Forget inspiration! Go for habit instead!
How do you get motivated to write?
Thanks to Michelle Boyd of Inkwell for this paraphrase of Robert Boice!
Everyone’s got a favorite Anne Lamott quote for writing. She tells great stories about how she learned to write and what keeps her writing in Bird by Bird. Do you have a favorite Anne Lamott quote ?
At the Writing Table, we write in pomodoros, which is a way to focus for 25 minutes at at time intensely, then take a break. Each Writing Table session is an hour which gives us time for two pomodoros (or POMs). It is also the Italian word for tomato. You know those cute kitchen timers that look like a tomato?
Learn more about the pomodoro technique, by visiting: www.pomodorotechnique.com