What is the Writing Table?
In the early pandemic days, students, pastors, professors, and authors were feeling a lot of stress on our writing (here is how one of my favorite writers has navigated it). So to help combat the isolation and overwhelm, and to give writers a sense of accountability and support, Eileen Campbell-Reed began hosting a space and time every week. We called it the Writing Table. (Thanks to Adam D.J. Brett for the name!) At the Writing Table, we build solid writing habits. We show up (everyone’s favorite strategy). And we share a virtual community of people who want to get our writing done!
As host of the Writing Table, Eileen brings more than a decade of coaching experience, working with academic writers, and now writers in many other professions, but mostly ministry-related. She is delighted each week not only to host the space but to offer gentle encouragement, coaching, and reminders of the basic skills for the writing habits that we are all building.
With 2023 we are welcoming a new coach at the Writing Table who will also be hosting occasionally. Rev. Traci Smith is a widely recognized children’s author, pastor, consultant, and friend. She has been a regular at the Writing Table for more than a year. And we are lucky to have her joining us as one of our new coaches.
Signup Form
Please be sure to check the box for Writing Table on the form!
New Options in 2023
The other new option for 2023 is to work with Eileen in one-to-one coaching. And when you make that commitment to yourself to get the direct support you need for your projects, you will also receive three, six, nine, or 12 months at the Writing Table depending on how many coaching sessions you choose. This is a great way to get layers of help and support for your work. Visit the 3MMM shop to learn more about the coaching options. Or sign up for a membership at the Writing Table!

Who is it for?
All kinds of people come to the Writing Table. Pastors who work on their sermons. Professors who are writing books. Graduate students are writing dissertations. Poets who are writing poetry. Authors who are writing articles and blogs. Dreamers who are writing down their dreams. Everyday people who want to put their ideas into the world come to the Writing Table. Anyone who wants to write for an hour can join us. We don’t talk about what we’re writing (unless you want to, then no one objects). We focus on strategies for building writing habits. Would like your writing to be something the more than an occasional effort? Do you like to complete a draft and have your writing published?
Then please join the writers and authors and students and preachers to strengthen and complete what you love to do.
That’s one of my mentors and professors used to say to me, “I don’t really love writing but I love having written.” Thanks, Carolyn Blevins, for that truthful word. The best way to have written, is to start writing on a daily basis, or maybe you need three days a week or maybe you need one day a week. Wherever you are in building your habit, the Writing Table can be for you.
What do we do when we gather at the Writing Table?
We write in brief sessions. Professor Robert Boice studied over a thousand academic writers across 30 years. In his research he learned that writing briefly and daily, holding back before writing and writing before ready, are strategies that help one to build a solid and lasting writing habit. Planning small steps and letting others do some of the work are also keys to a productive writing habit. The best writers are not binge writers (oh there are exceptions, but don’t try to be one!). They are people who see writing as part of their everyday work and keep plugging away. They learn to write without excruciating pain but instead with mild enjoyment. So we write in small chunks (we like to use the pomodoro technique) or even for longer stretches, but with breaks. We write humanely. And by doing the work simultaneously in community, we reinforce how showing up and taking time to breathe, setting intentions and sharing our strategies, make everyone’s habit stronger.
We keep the same basic structure of timing in every writing table. Beginning and ending on time, taking a break, and sharing our strategies (and struggles) make mutual encouragement part of each gathering.
How will it help me?
Since March 2020, scores of writers have joined me at the Writing Table. I have completed everything from dissertations and books to devotionals and short articles, blogs and magazine features, sermons and reports, poetry and study guides. The proof is in the success of everyone has made the commitment to show up for themselves and their writing on a regular bas. Sure you can write on your own prop. You’re probably already doing that. But what you’ll find is by doing it collaboratively and then community, your commitment and your accomplishments will both grow
What are #FreeWrite Fridays?
For more than two years, Eileen hosted of the Writing Table for no charge. Completely free. Anyone could come to the Writing Table, receive encouragement and support from a writing coach, and share the table with others. What we learned since March of 2020 is that doing this kind of writing in a coworking space is something people need and want. It was something Eileen truly enjoys doing! And so to continue to make it possible, it is time to offer the Writing Table as a service in exchange for very reasonable fee. But also we want people to be able to try it. With no charge. And sometimes people just want to write about once a week. To make all of that possible, the Writing Table on Fridays will remain free for 2023 and probably beyond.
We are calling this offering #FreeWrite Fridays. One of the greatest strategies when you’re stuck in any writing project, is not to keep pressing on with the project. It is to stop and just simply free right. Put your fingers to the key or your hand to the pin on paper and just let whatever comes out come out. Many widely published authors use this strategy to get unstuck. So if what you need the writing table for is to get unstuck then by all means join us on Fridays and give it a try. You can write anything you like from free writing to poetry the most important magnum opus. There’s no judgment at the writing table only support and cheering you on. You may find that you like it so much do you want to come other days of the week. And that will be possible this year by joining monthly or annually.
When exactly does the Writing Table meet?
Times: 9:00am ET // 8:00am CT // 7:00am MT // 6:00am PT
Days: Most Weekdays, Occasional Saturdays
Zoom: You will receive a link in your email once you join #FreeWrite Fridays and/or pay for a monthly or annual membership.
Everyone who joins the Zoom call writes together as a collective. Cameras and audio turned off.
In order to get the Writing Table emails each week for #FreeWrite Fridays, you will need to stay subscribed to 3MMM’s Writing Table. Of course you’re always welcome to change your preferences at any time!
More questions? Want to know more about individual coaching? Please visit this page and tell me what you need. I have a few more one-to-one coaching spots open for 2023. You could be in one of them!
Signup Form
Please be sure to check the box for Writing Table on the form!