Tonight’s moonrise over Nashville was impressive. A few times a year the moon is closer to the earth when it reaches full, and actually appears larger that usual. A supermoon. Tonight is one of those nights. My telephoto lens helped me capture these images.
Burnt orange it rose through the clouds. . .
then ascending over the haze and growing yellow . . .
finally turning that silvery grey that only the moon turns. . .
“There’s a full moon over Tulsa,
I hope that it’s shining on you.”
All week this song‘s been running through my head on repeat.Β Oklahoma is on my mind. Prayers for Oklahoma fill my heart.
City lights don’t outshine the moon when every spark of electricity has been snuffed out. And the people of Moore have little left to hold on to.Β
From all the way across the country we stand under the same bright moon. And tonight, Oklahoma, we’re thinking of you.Β
Bless you, children and grown ups in Oklahoma. Here’s to your grief, to your courage, to your losses and to the help that has come your way.
Bless you God, who made Oklahoma, and who stands with the people from Moore, the children and families who’ve suffered loss of life and home, the native people who’ve been displaced yet again, and the helpers who gave themselves over to search and rescue and recovery of the harmed.
O God, gather up the hurting and the broken-hearted, the lamenting, the raging, and the silent ones. Take them into your spacious home and hold them while they seek recovery and healing. O Christ, in your mercy, speak peace in the storms of life that rage on many fronts of our inner and outer lives. O Holy Spirit, comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable among us, even as we participate obliviously in the changes to our planet’s well being. Urge us to action for the good of your creation.Β
From Nashville to Moore, from our lips to God’s ears, from this moment to the next, may all of creation awake and receive the grace to live open and connected lives, see how each thing said and done, each action taken, is caught up in the tenuous web of life. The sun, moon and stars shine on us all.