It is the best of preaching times. It is the worst of preaching times. Headlines are full of natural and human disaster. People’s lives full of uncertainty and grief and lament. We all could use a word. But which word needs preaching? Hope, encouragement, prayer, challenge, persistence, protest?
Finding a fitting word, and speaking a Living Word. This invitation comes to preachers week by week. The preacher also needs a word. Some support. A sounding board. A place to turn for encouragement and hope in the task.
There is no better place to be both encouraged and challenged than Nevertheless She Preached. This year Three Minute Ministry Mentor is once again delighted to sponsor #NSP21.
We love “Nevertheless people!” People who face overwhelming odds and say nevertheless and persist through their calling. People who join with the Spirit who says nevertheless and provokes courage and hope and healing. There’s still time this week to join the Nevertheless People at this year’s conference. You can register here.
In this video I share two stories from Pastoral Imagination, and one story from the book I am writing currently about clergywomen and queer clergy in the U.S.
Two presenters at this year’s Nevertheless SHE Preached conference are recent guests on 3MMM. We are so grateful for the gifts Rev. Kyndall Rae Rothaus, one of the founders and organizers of #NSP, and Rev. Dr. Angela Yarber, author, artist, and founder of the Tehom Center.
This month we are celebrating Thy Queendom Come with Kyndall. Read her author interview here. And then get your hands on her new book! We’re also giving a copy of Thy Queendom Come away along with big book stack. If you subscribe to weekly episodes of 3MMM, you are already entered! If you want to be entered just subscribe here!
Angela Yarber talked with us in her author interview about the brick walls in ministry that can really slow us down. We’re also giving away one of her books as part of that big book stack in September!
There is no better time than now to sign up for the Nevertheless SHE preached conference (September 19 – 21). Register here.

In this year we are revisiting each episode of the Season One. Those episodes feature dozens of stories from the Learning Pastoral imagination Project. And Season One of 3MMM is the basis for Pastoral Imagination: Bringing the Practice of Ministry to Life.
Preaching and prayer are integrally related. Whatever your preaching style, or approach to scripture or topics, prayer and spiritual practice are not something to leave aside in the work of preparation.
In in this video, you’ll meet Rev. Benita.* She is an African American woman in her 40s retired from the military. You’ll hear about her experience of learning the relationship between preaching and prayer. She describes a journey through learning to approach scripture in different ways. She learned to prepare for topical preaching, then expository, and eventually lectionary preaching. Through each approach, Rev. Benita keeps a commitment to prayerfully following the Spirit for guidance.
To preach in our age takes persistence. And to learn the practice of preaching takes years of persistence. Fortunately the Spirit persists with us in this work, ever calling us forward.
Georgine’s story of persistence shows up in chapter 38. It is an example of some of the rich material which is only available in Pastoral Imagination. Her story is paired with Derek’s. You can hear more about how Derek learned about action and reflection in his practice of preaching in this episode of 3MMM.
Naomi’s story about finding her first field education placement in her home denomination it’s part of the Learning Pastoral Imagination Five-Year Report. Her story of being called on to preach in the face of tragedy is paired with Rev. Benita’s in chapter 27 of Pastoral Imagination.
Preaching, persistence, and prayer are integrally related. Preaching can only be learned truly through experience, by taking risks and reflecting on what happens so as to be fully responsible for one’s speaking. Having good partners and mentors in that work makes the learning so much easier. Let’s keep doing this learning together!