Five Lenten Practices for Responding to this Moment Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. (Joel 2:1)* As Lent…
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Five Lenten Practices for Responding to this Moment Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. (Joel 2:1)* As Lent…
Read MoreToday we are considering the very important question of how to worship? This is our final episode from my conversation with Rev. Dr. Cláudio Carvalhaes. What a joy to share Cláudio’s enthusiasm and wisdom for practices of creativity, sustaining the…
Read MoreIn my conversation with Rev. Dr Cláudio Carvalhaes this week, we talk about how to pray. We begin with one of Claudio’s recent projects and books Liturgies from Below: Praying with People at the End of the World. The project…
Read MoreWhat is the purpose of Lent? Learning to pay attention. And what is the purpose of paying attention? Being present to God and each other and all of creation. And what happens when we pay attention and become more present…
Read MoreWhat will your invisible legacy be? Where have you given of yourself in a gracious, yet hidden way? When did you donate to an urgent cause, yet spoke of it to no one? How have you put in a good…
Read MoreSunday, July 3 I sat down to meditate for 10 minutes this morning. It was a disaster. No effort to pray contemplatively is really wasted. But I was a mess. I vacillated between almost falling asleep and my mind being…
Read MoreThis is a mother’s day prayer. Yet it is not like the ones I grew up hearing. This prayer is more of a psalm and a lament. It lifts up to God the painful and unspeakable facets of mothering and…
Read MoreHello there! My name is Eileen Campbell-Reed, and I’m the founder and host of Three Minute Ministry Mentor. This first Sunday in Advent is a big day. Twelve years ago on this day, I launched this blog. It was originally…
Read MoreSometimes life and loss and longing and love are more than our words can contain. Through these challenging days, only a prayer of silence is enough. Because the deep peace of silence is all that can hold life as it…
Read MorePreach It is the best of preaching times. It is the worst of preaching times. Headlines are full of natural and human disaster. People’s lives full of uncertainty and grief and lament. We all could use a word. But which…
Read More“Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don’t be afraid.” ― Frederick Buechner This is the kind of week when many terrible things are happening. In New Orleans and southern Louisiana. And in Afghanistan. In Southern California.…
Read MoreThis week is a convergence. It is Memorial Day, and I’ll share the video “Identity and Place,” a story of Fr. Stephen who is a military chaplain and Orthodox priest. And we are also happy to be hearing from author,…
Read MoreEditor’s note: Today we welcome writer and speaker, Lyndsey Medford as our guest. Lyndsey makes her way through the world as an “indecorous Southerner, an erstwhile Evangelical, and an inexpert advocate for justice.” She lives in Charleson, South Carolina, where she is “always…
Read MoreWe can always use a prayer for teachers. From preschool to grad school, this time of year is usually punctuated by joyous pictures of students and teachers returning to classrooms. But this year is a strange one. Not like any…
Read MoreBIG. Squishy. Learning goals. Everyone working to learn the practice of ministry needs at least one or two of these. When I ask students to imagine this kind of goal, I’m urging them to think long-term and big-picture, to set…
Read MoreWhat is the role of prayer and meditation in the practice of ministry? I have worked on that question for many years. It became focused as a question around the time that I finished my doctoral studies. In these last…
Read MoreAsh Wednesday We have some good news to share. Weekly episodes of the Three Minute Ministry Mentor are coming to you in a new form: the 3MMM Podcast. Where do you listen to podcasts? On a run, a hike, or…
Read MorePrayer. What is the connection between the practice of prayer and the practice of ministry? The responses to this question could fill many pages of many books. (My own responses fill many posts in this blog.) The connections we make…
Read MoreAdvent is one of my favorite times of the year. It gives me a quiet resting place in the middle of the headlong rush to the end of the school term, the end of the calendar year, the urgency of…
Read MoreFestival of Young Women Preachers April 7, 2016 | Eden Seminary | St. Louis, Missouri A Blessing for the Preachers Bless these hands as they handle sacred Scripture, and sacred stories, and sacred moments of the preaching and pastoral life.…
Read MoreLast night pastors, congregations, professors and students gathered from all around Nashville, Tennessee, to remember the nine men and women who were brutally murdered in Charleston, South Carolina, on June 17 at Mother Emmanuel AME Church. We met at Woodmont Baptist…
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