We will gather for an ALL SAINTS’ DAY Event November 1 for 45 minutes 1p ET // 12p CT // 11a MT // 10a PT A Zoom link will be sent to your email when you sign up below. Mark…
For two months I have been saying daily that we need more space for lament and life-giving rituals as we transition into a new era of ministry. Today I offer three idea buckets to support you in our ongoing work…
New month. New plans. Good work. Writing. And inspiration past and future. Let’s count it all down. 1) Who are the saints that inspire you? Blessings to you this All Saints’ Day. Who inspires your life and work? Is there…
All Saints’ Eve . . . I spent the last few days at the American Academy of Religion . . . and came home in time for Halloween Trick-or-Treat. Driving home this afternoon I thought of the many friends old and young who have been lost to me. So many of them will be remembered this year on the first All Saints’ Day following their deaths.