This week we want to talk about salience and how James Lawson is an exemplar, but first a new movie! When Luca tries to ride a bike for the first time, he does not know where to focus or how…
Lenten Lights O ~ Memphis Part 1 I spent most of the morning on the verge of tears, teaching and explaining through my sadness and grief and outrage and pride. It was my second time through the National Civil Rights…
Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman are My Neighbors On Saturday night I went downtown. I felt safe and happy walking through an urban center and meeting up with friends for dinner. When I arrived home from the evening out, I…
James Lawson’s Homily for Will Campbell’s Memorial I am currently seeking permission to share a full transcript of Rev. James M. Lawson, Jr.’s Homily from Will Campbell’s Memorial Service. Please check back. Thanks, Eileen