In our last Episode 83, Pete and I talked about why ministers need to study culture. He gave us two reasons: People come to seminary shaped and formed by culture innately — largely unawares. Reflexivity is that significance of learning…
Learning Pastoral Imagination Project My work and vocation take me in a lot of directions: writing, teaching, coaching, and consulting. Topping my list of responsibilities, however, is my research as co-director of the first ever, national, ecumenical and longitudinal study of ministry.…
Imagination This month I am working on an article with my partner in research in the Learning Pastoral Imagination Project. Chris Scharen and I are writing about pastoral imagination itself. And as a part of that we are reviewing literature…
“When we see the world as an end in itself, everything becomes itself a value and consequently loses all value, because only in God is found the meaning (value) of everything, and the world is meaningful only when it is the ‘sacrament’ of God’s presence.” – Alexander Schmemann, For the Life of the World
BIG Apple Here are some pics with highlights from my first trip to New York City. I’ve passed through by the NYC airports and even on a youth group bus, but this was the first time I’ve been for a…