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Yesterday and today included some detours. Sometimes life throws up a sign that says go another way! Fortunately, I was able to stop and refocus and find my way back to the path of writing.

In the Writing Club we are invited daily to list Negative Statements.Β I find it so helpful to externalize the negative things I can say to myself. Today I wrote: “I hadΒ to reboot my computer, download some updates and take another call. I feelΒ derailed. But I’m going back to my list and starting over. Maybe I canΒ accomplish something today.”

Any positive statements to replace them? “WAIT!Β Β I already have accomplished things: I revised a letter; I reworked 2 course descriptions; I made it half way through revising my teaching statement;Β Β I edited a section of chapter 2; I had 2 important phone conversations; I’m about to have 2 more very productive poms.” I wrote very productively for the next hour.

It is possible to stop on Tangent Drive and get back Writing Way. Whew!

2 thoughts on “Advent X”

  1. What a helpful way to look at things. This week has been a bit of a detour onto tangent drive for me too, but when I listed all the important things I’ve done (like a term’s worth of expenses claims, some worship preparation for next week (I’m leading a session with a signing interpreter so she needs everything in advance to prepare herself), a day at college on urban ministry and family time) then I realise how much I have done rather than focussing on what I haven’t. I’ll join you back on writing way today. God Bless.

    1. So important to see what we have done! Welcome to writing way … hope the day has gone well for you!

      PS – I took that photo last summer in Oregon. When I wizzed by the sign, I had to stop, turn around, take a tangent, and go back to photograph it! Sometimes the “tangents” have positive payoffs!

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