Breather For three weeks I’ve worked at a sprinter’s pace, with the urgency of a spiritual quest, and supported by friends, family and colleagues, on completing my book. This push comes at the end of several years of steady work,…
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Leaning In Last spring I read Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In. It impressed and inspired me to implement several new ideas. However, my first priority is to “lean in” to my book and complete it before starting anything new. Tonight I’m…
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Paid Writing Tonight I turned in my Upper RoomΒ DisciplinesΒ meditations for 2015. Working on them for two months, just a little each day, led to an on-time finished project. I wish all my writing could go that smoothly. Cultivating better habits…
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Writing Lessons | Part III Today’sΒ Β book-writingΒ goal was lost to oversleeping.Β However, a few things on my helpful writing lessons list don’t actually happen in an obvious way, or while I’m writing at all. 7. Running. Running is a spiritual practice for…
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Writing Lessons | Part II Yesterday I shared three ideas that help me with writing. Here are three more, each supported by the research of Robert Boice.Β They are less intuitive, and yet extremely useful in establishing a writing habit. 4.…
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Silent Night Singing Silent Night to my daughter tonight, I knew what I wanted to say in today’s brief update. Atop of my list of reasons for laboring overΒ Anatomy of a SchismΒ is to transform the future for her generation. Gender…
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AnticipationΒ While I labor persistently each day on Anatomy of a Schism, my anticipation for completing the work grows. I am equally committed to sharing Advent joy with my daughter. To help her understand preparation and anticipation when she was…
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PromisesΒ It was with some guilt that I turned down a coaching opportunity last night for Academic Ladder. I told Coach Susanne about finishing my book and said, “I need to keep my promise to myself.” Sometimes that’s harder than…
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