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Advent VRevision

Footnotes are tedious. Revisions are more difficult. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to have a working draft. Thankfully, I have one for every chapter. But saying more with fewer words? Making ideas clear, arguments compelling, and stories faithful? Now that’s hard work.

Sometimes the only way to see the big ideas is to spread a chapter out on the floor. Tomorrow’s task is to cut another nine pages from chapter two. I’m hoping and praying for a clear mind to re-vision.

3 thoughts on “Advent V”

  1. Hope things are going well – all Christingles are made and ready for services next week. Now a bit of writing time before picking up from school. Happy Advent 5.

    1. Yes, Christine – things are going well. And I have a slightly shorter workday today, but hoping to check things off my list. Hope your little bit of time to write is full with good writing!

      Well, I’ve now googled ‘christingle’ and what a surprise! I had no idea (thought it was a pastry!). Please do post a picture on facebook so I can see what yours look like!

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