We are living in a whole new world. In just a matter of weeks everything has changed. Most of us are spending a vast majority of our time “sheltered in place.” We are physically distanced from family and friends. We…
Read More3MMM | Episode 61: Pastoral Seeing
Right now millions of people in the U.S and many other countries around the world are sheltering at our homes. We are living in an unprecedented time of global pandemic. As religious leaders, we are also living in an unprecedented…
Read More3MMM | Episode 60: Prophetic Listening
We are in a new moment in the history of humanity. All aspects of life have been disrupted. No one is exempt from the impact of the world-wide coronavirus pandemic. Alongside that reality is another unchanging reality: no one is…
Read More3MMM | Episode 59: Power of Listening
Listening. Listening matters. It matters for pastoral practice as well as personal relationships and every part of our lives. Listening is intimately connected to paying attention to life with all of our senses. My guest this month is Rev. Dr.…
Read More3MMM | Episode 58: Spacious Conversations
What is the value of Sabbath? Why do we need to rest? What are the connections between the spiritual practice of deep and spacious rest and learning the practice of ministry? Sleep is the most basic form of daily rest,…
Read More3MMM | Episode 57: Family Conversations
Every child needs to be loved and cherished. Yet bringing children into a family is not always easy. In this episode of Three Minute Ministry Mentor Dr. Danielle Tumminio Hansen and I talk about the intersection of the call to…
Read More3MMM | Episode 56: Graceful Conversations
This week we are excited to share more connections between the Harry Potter series and the practice of ministry, in conversation with Rev. Dr. Danielle Tumminio Hansen. Danielle talks with us about offering grace, receiving grace, and what it takes…
Read More3MMM | Episode 55: Meaningful Conversations
“You have to meet people where they are for any conversation to be meaningful.” – Rev. Dr. Danielle Tumminio Hansen I am a fan of Harry Potter. I like him of course, but even more I like the whole world…
Read More3MMM | Episode 54: Thinking with Curiosity
Navigating difference and diversity in US American churches remains among the biggest and most important challenges for ministry leadership today.
Read More3MMM | Episode 53: Thinking with Imagination
Pastoral imagination. A capacity to see into a situation in all of its embodied, relational, and holy depths, and then knowing how to respond in a fitting way. That kind of knowing is the underlying theme of this week’s interview…
Read More3MMM | Episode 52: Thinking in Community
“What does a community of faithfulness look like in the midst of injustice?” ~Dr. Eric Barreto As we approach Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend, this is a question that captures our attention and begs for reflection. Dr. King imagined a…
Read More3MMM | Episode 51: Embodied Thinking
Epiphany 2020 I awoke on January 6, Epiphany morning, excited and a bit nervous. It’s a big day and I’ve been waiting for it, preparing for it, and anticipating it for a while now. This is the week we launch…
Read More3MMM | How the Light Got In – 2019
Each year for the last few, I’ve taken time, with inspiration from my friends and writing pals Duane Bidwell and Frank Thomas, to compile a Gratitude List of Important Things that I have invested myself in during the past year.…
Read More3MMM | Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! On the brink of this changing season, I offer to you, dear friends, my blessing, and I pray for peace and purpose to take hold in your minds and hearts. I hope with you for healing and for…
Read More3MMM | Year One Sponsor Thanks
How can I thank thee? Let me count the ways! Coming to the close of Three Minute Ministry Mentor’s first year, I want to pause and offer my personal thanks to our sponsors and partners! It has been a joyous…
Read More3MMM | Advent Light
Advent is here. For the sake of my relatives and friends I will say, “Peace be within you.” (Psalm 122: 8) Advent is one of the intense seasons of life, especially if you lead a congregation or any people of…
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