Summertime Six-Word Stories* To what does this way lead? summer zinnias open to the sun Persephone and Demeter lose their heads ++++++++++++++++++ These six-word stories from early summer are a cool way to say a lot with a picture and just six words.
Read MoreOrdinary Time III
Salary Survey of Baptist Ministers How are ministers getting compensated for their work? And how do they feel about it? What worries them most about finances? I am working on an article for the Review & Expositor that takes these questions…
Read MoreOrdinary Time II
Off the Grid Until June 11, I’ll be away from my blog. Retreat and extended Sabbath. Peace to you, Eileen
Read MoreOrdinary Time I
Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth I did not grow up in a household that observed saint’s days or many holy days at all, other than Easter and Christmas. I knew about Lottie Moon, who was venerated in the weeks leading…
Read MoreEaster VIII – Ecclesiology and Ethnography I
Ecclesiology and Ethnography (church and research) Sitting outside this evening feeling the warm wind and watching the rolling clouds, I’m thinking back over the last couple of days. The Ecclesiology and Ethnography Conference unfolded Monday and Tuesday in St. Paul,…
Read MoreEaster VII
Commencement: Baptist Seminary of Kentucky Today I was honored to join the faculty, trustees, staff and students of Baptist Seminary of Kentucky at Georgetown Baptist Church for their Eighth Commencement Ceremony. They graciously invited me to bring an address. (For seminary graduation…
Read MoreEaster IV | A Pastoral Letter to Baptists
A Pastoral Letter to Baptists April 26, 2012 Greetings in the name of the living Christ, who came to us in human form, showed us the way of love, and who is dwelling among us even now. Last week I…
Read MoreEaster III
The [Baptist] Conference on Sexuality A few quotes & tweets from the first day from the plenary speakers . . . . Jennell Williams Paris: sexual holiness is not an endless set of refusals. #SexandCovenant Paris: sexual feelings & behavior are…
Read MoreHoly Week VI
Holy Week VI – Saturday Six Word Stories* in silence waiting for new life ++++++++++++ *During Holy Week the posts each day are six word stories. Today’s story is taken from the silence of the biblical witness to the story we are…
Read MoreHoly Week V
Holy Week V – Friday Six Word Stories* Cohen: O longing of the branches ++++++++++++ *During Holy Week the posts will be six word stories. Today’s story is taken from Leonard Cohen’s newly released “Old Ideas” album. The song is “Come Healing.”…
Read MoreHoly Week IV
Holy Week IV – Thursday Six Word Stories* Maundy (new commandment) wash, serve, love ++++++++++++ *During Holy Week the posts will be six word stories. Today’s story is taken from the gospel reading: John 13:1-17, 31b-35
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Holy Week III – Wednesday Six Word Stories* surrounded by a cloud of witnesses ++++++++++++ *During Holy Week the posts will be six word stories. Today’s story is taken from the epistle reading: Hebrews 12:1-3.
Read MoreHoly Week II
Holy Week II – Tuesday Six Word Stories* During Holy Week the posts will be six word stories. Today’s story is taken from the lectionary gospel text: John 12:20-36.
Read MoreHoly Week I
Holy Week I – Monday Six Word Stories* ______________________ * During Holy Week the posts will be six word stories.
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