Discernment. Vocation. Purpose. Life. Unpacking one’s purpose for life is no small thing. For many people it takes most of a lifetime to say fully what they believe their purpose to be. And for others purpose changes over time and…
It’s Eastertide! This joyful season is a continuation of our celebrations from Easter Sunday. For seven weeks each year the church observes a season of Eastertide. The scriptures focus on the resurrection stories of Jesus. I grew up in a…
Prayer. What is the connection between the practice of prayer and the practice of ministry? The responses to this question could fill many pages of many books. (My own responses fill many posts in this blog.) The connections we make…
I was chatting recently with a friend. Don Flowers is a pastor in Canada. We’ve been traveling in the same circles for years. He’s a funny guy and while we were catching up, he said to me something like, “Hey…
I remember early in the planning stages of the Learning Pastoral Imagination (LPI) Project that Chris Scharen and I had several thoughtful conversations about whether or not self-reflection was essential for a robust pastoral imagination. My training in pastoral theology,…
Advent is one of my favorite times of the year. It gives me a quiet resting place in the middle of the headlong rush to the end of the school term, the end of the calendar year, the urgency of…
Welcome to Advent, the start of a new church year! I am glad for new beginnings and I am delighted to launch a new project at the opening of this particular spiritual and liturgical season of the church year. Eight…
New Weekly Video Series Launches in Advent Everyone in ministry needs a mentor. Whether you have one currently or feel like you could really use one, our new video series, Three Minute Ministry Mentor, is created exactly with you in…