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Lenten Lights GΒ ~ Lenten Rose II

Lenten Rose - Sunset

Two Lenten Roses in one week seems both surprising and excessive. Here’s how it happened… As we sat down to dinner my husband said, “There is another of those Lenten Roses blooming in the backyard.” I grabbed my camera. “Seriously? Where?” I asked on the way out the door. “Wait, Mom! I’m coming with you.” We got there just in time to see the last of the sun’s rays and soft shadows on white petals. Even five minutes hesitation, and we would have missed the light.

Lately, I’ve been taking more risks, hitting send a little sooner, using fewer filters. Deliberation has its merits, but taking risks is required curriculum for learning the way of grace. The light I’m chasing and the grace I’m looking for? They are elusive. Yet the chase, the new birth, these are not a self-improvement projects. Neither my deliberations nor my hesitations control the surprising and abundant grace of God’s spirit. She blows where she will (John 3:8)… even with surprising and excessive abundance in my own back yard. May as well hold on for the ride.