Presence. Attention. Sacredness. Gift. We need these in our lives. They are forms of prayer that connect us to the holy. This week I am thrilled to share with you an abundance of gifts for your practice of prayer. While…
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Presence. Attention. Sacredness. Gift. We need these in our lives. They are forms of prayer that connect us to the holy. This week I am thrilled to share with you an abundance of gifts for your practice of prayer. While…
Read MoreWhat are you pouring yourself into? Last week this question invited me to think of all the ways I am pouring myself into my own living and into the lives of others. I heard the question in a circle of…
Read MoreThis time last year, I did not even have my promo for the early episodes of Three Minute Ministry Mentor in hand yet. That first short video announcing a new thing arrived while I was attending the American Academy of…
Read More“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs are people who are alive.” ~Howard Thurman [1] What makes you come alive? What brings…
Read MoreBoundaries can serve us well in the practice of ministry. When boundaries give clarity to relationships and prevent the abuse of power, they are worth maintaining. Boundaries can also become barriers in the work of ministry. How does this happen?…
Read MoreWhat does holy fierceness look like? seeking justice speaking prophetically asking the right questions at the right moments helping communities see and own their complicity in racist ideologies being bold, taking risks, speaking truth to power identifying discriminations giving thoughtful…
Read More“I think it’s sustaining to me to have some basic congruence between what I’m doing and what I think is important.” – Rebecca This week’s episode of 3MMM is a story about Rebecca.* She has some things to say about…
Read MoreWhen I was in college and seminary, I took a lot of tests. I made really good grades on most of them. I memorized dates, names, cities, battles, theorems, species, genus, phylum, periodic tables, chemical compounds, and rules of grammar…
Read MoreConflict in ministry is hard. It is hard because it often feels personal. It is hard because it can evoke feelings like anger, self-doubt, fear or shame, feelings that are unpleasant to digest. And it is hard because change of…
Read More“Oh man, she thinks I’m a minister!” Martha had this startling thought while talking with Linda, the newly elected chair of deacons at FBC Benson. The church started out as a place where Martha could meet her field education requirement for seminary.…
Read MoreFacing our fears. It can be hard even to admit our fears, much less face them. Fear of loss. Fear of disappointment. Fear of not getting what you want and fear of getting it. Fear of walking down the street. Fear…
Read MoreSometimes help is literally in the palm of our hands and we cannot see it. Sometimes our ability to see or imagine or welcome the things we need in life is blocked by the kind of deeply seated beliefs and…
Read MoreVocation. Work. Calling. Ministry. Family. Life. Vocation is a word that often evokes the idea of work. Yet vocation is not just work. Vocation may bring to the top of your mind the idea of calling. Yet vocation is more…
Read MoreBack to school. Back to seminary. Back to something new! As I greeted students at Union Seminary’s orientation last week, I told them “I am just as new as you are! We will be learning together.” And I feel it.…
Read MoreOrientation. Disorientation. Reorientation. This week is orientation for many people going back to school… including me! I’m starting a new teaching appointment for the coming year. And orientation begins this morning. The week has hardly begun and already I have…
Read MoreRecently I joined a few other preachers to talk about the craft of sermon writing. We held our conversation as a panel discussion in a Sunday morning worship service. Six women talking together about how they might plan for preaching…
Read MoreSalience. Seeing what is important in a field of things or a situation; sorting through possible meanings to find the one that is pertinent, urgent or more immediate in character. Salience. /ˈsālēəns/ This week’s episode of Three Minute Ministry Mentor…
Read MoreImprovise. Rearrange and fit to size. Change. Adapt. And revise Move it around as time flies. Pivot. Shift. Sidestep. Riff. Play it like jazz. Do you get my drift? A finely honed practice of professional tennis, or vegan cooking, or…
Read MoreErosion. Not a pretty word to think about when it comes to chaplaincy, activism, congregational pastoring, or nonprofit leadership. And yet, it is real. The routines and daily rigors of the work can surely wear ministers down emotionally, relationally and…
Read MoreAction. Reflection. Action. It was winter. I took the pager home, laid it on my night stand, and I prayed it would not go off in the night. Of course it did. I was not really prepared for what to…
Read More“Questions?” When I took a public speaking course a few years ago, this is how the instructor taught us to end our speeches: Ask, “Questions?” And then wait for the audience to start asking. In ministry, teaching, and lots of…
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