Visio Divina: Psalm 139 There are so many amazing and multi-layered images in Psalm 139. It has been a good companion through the season of Lent. (You can read more in previous posts: Lent I, Lent III and Lent VI.) The psalm…
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Ash Wednesday
Music for the Journey from Fat Tuesday to Ash Wednesday On Mardi Gras I spent the day at the house of the Sisters of Charity in Leavenworth, Kansas. I was leading a retreat with a lovely group of new Presbyterian…
Read MoreEpiphany IX
Psalm 139 on a Wednesday night When I speak to children I speak in a voice that gathers them in Even while they tumble across the carpet Like puppies with clothes They whine and yip and yelp occasionally But when…
Read MoreEpiphany VIII
Choosing and Praying a Breath Prayer Praying a breath prayer is just what it sounds like. To pray as you follow your breath – using words – connects the body to the sacred. And praying a breath prayer can open…
Read MoreEpiphany VII
Breathing a Prayer Let everything that has breath praise the Creator. When we lived in Georgia parishioners there introduced us to the amaryllis. Every year a pot with a gigantic bulb would appear on my desk during Advent. By the…
Read MoreEpiphany VI
Contemplating Lent Lent. A season of preparation. And repentance. Preparation, I can get with. Repentance, that’s harder to face. Preparing is one of those things I can do. Maybe even when I can’t do the thing itself. Family lore says…
Read MoreEpiphany V
Wisdom and Folly “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding.” Psalm 111:10 January has been a full month for me. It has held more travel than usual, intensive…
Read MoreEpiphany IV
Embodied Knowing vs. Rational Calculation Tonight I saw the latest Sherlock Holmes movie starring Robert Downey Jr. as Holmes and Jude Law as the good Dr. Watson. When the sequel, “A Game of Shadows” was announced, I was reminded of an early…
Read MoreEpiphany II
Imagination This month I am working on an article with my partner in research in the Learning Pastoral Imagination Project. Chris Scharen and I are writing about pastoral imagination itself. And as a part of that we are reviewing literature…
Read MoreEpiphany I
A New Day Dawning What’s that sound? The stirring wind of a new day. As the sun rose this morning over Lake Michigan, a new day in Baptist scholarship also dawned. It was not simply the panel presentation at the…
Read MoreChristmastide IV
Windy City The next few weeks hold lots of travel. Next stop: Chicago for the American Society of Church History annual meeting. It will be my first time to attend that gathering. I’ll tweet some impressions and anything notable I…
Read MoreChristmastide III
Looking Back and Looking Ahead Another year of blogging. This post #200 since I began blogging two years ago (Advent 2009). A few changes are underway. I’m working on the site to make it a bit more visually appealing. I’ve…
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Christmastide II – It Takes Two Hands
It Takes Two Hands In our extended families we stretch out Christmas for several days. And we try to keep our family meals and gift exchanges to one-per-day. Christmas 2011 is in the books now. It was enjoyable for the…
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Christmas Eve May the peace and love of Christ find its way into your life and take up permanent residence.
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